Sleeptalker program image

Microbats are tiny, elusive nocturnal mammals. You probably won't see or hear them, and this stealth has kept them robust even in urban environments; if you're out at night in Melbourne, chances are there's a microbat hidden in a tree nearby.

Dr. Pia Lentini, a biosciences research fellow from the University of Melbourne, meets Bec at Walmsley House in Royal Park to talk about microbats, urban human-wildlife coexistence and conservation. Pia also uses a bat detector to demonstrate the echolocation calls of a Southern Free-tailed Bat, and a Forest Bat (they aren't audible to human ears without bat detectors).

This interview was in response to the City of Melbourne's Microbat Bioblitzes, a series of nighttime events where the public were invited to become 'citizen scientists' and help survey the diversity and distribution of their nocturnal neighbours.

You can find out more about local bats via the Australasian Bat Society.

Playlist for SleepTalker – 27 February 2020

About this program

A show about sleep, dreams, nightmares and what happens in your head after dark. Meditations from the edges of consciousness, exploring circadian rhythms, mental health, what keeps us awake and helps us drift. Interviews, field recordings, sound art, creative audio and ambient music to keep you company in the dark.

SleepTalker started as an independent podcast in 2014, and now joins the Triple R grid as a weekly two-hour live show.

Get in touch if you have sleepy sounds, dream recollections, nightmares, sleeping patterns or nighttime stories you want to share on the show.
