Listen to Double Bounce – 17 September 2024∙
- Double Bounce: MJ Lenderman is a Guitar Hero
MJ Lenderman has just released a brand new album 'Manning Fireworks' and joins Vaughan to discuss his journey to this point and so much more.
Playlist for Double Bounce – 17 September 2024
- Angel NuevoMabe Fratti
- Continuum 2Nala Sinephro
- OcotilloFloating Points
- 0∞Verraco
- Th1 [Even Slower]Aphex Twin
- Open FieldEggy
- AudaciousFranz Ferdinand
- The Girl Is Crying In Her LatteSparks
- Drunk PrayerMavi
- Untitled 2024 (Watch The Party Die)Kendrick Lamar
- Kill BillSZA
- Raise UpAllysha Joy
- CorsairTotal Blue
- Deep SceneSkeleten
- Mood to Make LoveRosie Lowe
- CandleflameAdrianne Lenker
- Take a PictureFrankie Cosmos & Good Morning
- HopeVampire Weekend
- Singing to the MandolinBonny LIght Horseman
- Silver SaltbushThe Orbweavers
- WristwatchMJ Lenderman
- Bark At The MoonMJ Lenderman
- Na-kalamandjardaRipple Effect Band
- The Atlas RevolutionLeong Lau
- Termination OfficerOsees
- Coup de GronkParty Dozen
- All NightThe Dare
- Raise ItRONA.
- HelixAmaliah
- The LaunchDJ Jean
- 3CAG (Feat. Radie Peat)Kneecap
- Pìobaireachd nan Eun (The Birds)Brighde Chaimbeul, Colin Stetson
- Sick in the HeadKneecap
About this program
Moments & movements that are bouncing into earshot each week. Drop in for a catch up on what's making bandrooms fill, parties pop, thinkpieces churn out, and fans gush.