Anthony Boxshall

Anthony Boxshall
Presents Radio Marinara
The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine.
How did you first connect with Triple R?
I started listening to RRR when I was about 15 when a mate of mine told me about this wild show that played 50s and 60s stuff. It was called Chicken Mary Show and it was the early 80s. Then I found the Saturday mornings line up and I was sold!
What/when was your first show?
Radio Marinara in very late 1996. We did a summer fill for Dec-Jan 1996-7.
What's your favourite Triple R story?
Before we started Radio Marinara, we had a meeting with the then Program Manager James Young in mid 1996 to pitch the show idea. We had done a demo and sent it in. We'd also done a written proposal. James looked at the proposal and as he held it up said that it was nice but as he'd never had one of these, he asked what we thought he should do with it. He then said that he really liked the demo and thought he'd give us a go for summer but had one question: What would we do for the second show? It seemed like a good idea but surely a marine and coastal show had a small pool of available content...
Your favourite other Triple R program and why?
Vital Bits - for one reason... the one and only Tim Thorpe. He is eclectic, witty, everything one needs for brekkie on the weekend.
What does Triple R mean to you?
It's local, it's diverse, it's Melbourne, it's grassroots and it's real.
The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you what would you want it to be and why?
Sugar - Copper Blue. Because it is a complete album and plays as one story.
Who would you have at your dinner party on the eve of the turn of the century?
Carl Sagan, Isobel Bennett, Marie Curie, Derek Jacobi, Sylvia Earle, Antoine Lavoisier, Nemo.