Listen to Everything is Water, A Giant Spider Crab Update, and the Disabled Divers' Association36:5316 June 2024

Hosts Bron Burton, Cabin Boy and Kade Mills speak with Simon Clearly about his first non-fiction book Everything is Water. The book details Simon's experience walking 344km alongside the Brisbane River (the Maiwar), and the lessons he learns along the way about the importance of water and the ways in which it connects us.

The hosts also get the weekly update from Deakin University's Dr Elodie Camprasse on her Giant Spider Crab Watch.

Next, Bert Parker, President of the Disabled Divers' Association, comes on the show to discuss the great work that the Disabled Drivers' Association is doing, the importance of accessibity to beaches and waterfronts, and how you can get involved.

Finally, Cabin Boy muses: is the America's Cup still relevant?....Was it ever? And just when did we lose the knack for naming the boats? Tune in to find out.

About this program

The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine. Get to know all things wet and salty.

Segments: Rex Hunter, Neil Blake, Jeff Maynard, Ben Francischelli

Dive Reporters: Cara Hull, Myra Kelly 

Tech: Rachel Connor, Nereaders Digest. 

Podcast: David Turner

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.