Listen to Stingrays, Seadragons and Medusa47:5731 July 2022

Joni Pini-Fitzsimmons, marine scientist and expert in fish behaviour and ecology, conservation and human-wildlife interactions, talks about the first documented accounts of stingrays making noise; Louise Howlett, Artistic Director of Re-Action Theatre, explains the story of 'The Raft of the Medusa' and how, through a residency in France, she will bring it to the stage with a new work called 'The Secret of the Raft'; and underwater explorer extraordinaire Dr Nerida Wilson from the WA Museum talks all things seadragons. With presenters Cabin Boy and Kade.

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About this program

The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine. Get to know all things wet and salty.

Segments: Rex Hunter, Neil Blake, Jeff Maynard, Ben Francischelli

Dive Reporters: Cara Hull, Myra Kelly 

Tech: Rachel Connor, Nereaders Digest. 

Podcast: David Turner

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.