Listen to Radio Marinara - 8 April 201852:508 April 2018

Bron, Anth and Rex Hunter will be in Sunday with a huge range of marine and coastal delights.

First Dr Bryce Stewart - Marinara's emerging UK reporter - joins us live from York in the UK to talk about the impact from the "Beast" weather event on UK marine life, Brexit fisheries negotiations, and what is called the "Blue Planet" effect - something we will get here soon!

And next weekend, Slow Food Melbourne presents the inaugural 'Slow Fish Festival' in Spotswood, a time to take stock of the many threats faced by our oceans and bays and those who rely on them for food or their livelihood The Slow Fish Festival will share insights into what's needed to ensure our seafood and aquaculture can survive now and the future, whilst celebrating and savouring the catch on our very doorstep. We'll be speaking with Festival Co-ordinator Allison Peak, and third generation fisher and festival presenter Phil McAdams.

To finish of a busy show REx Hunter has a new and exciting wreck to discuss... but we will keep it secret until Sunday!

Blub blub blub...

About this program

The team continues the great Marinara tradition of bringing you a quirky but informative look at all that is marine. Get to know all things wet and salty.

Segments: Rex Hunter, Neil Blake, Jeff Maynard, Ben Francischelli

Dive Reporters: Cara Hull, Myra Kelly 

Tech: Rachel Connor, Nereaders Digest. 

Podcast: David Turner

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.