Listen to Sylvia Martin, Luka Gracie, Monique Solnordal, & Liz Walsh30:135 October 2022

Sylvia Martin, the author of three biographies about women who have been ignored in Australian literary and cultural history, talks about the republishing of her book 'Passionate Friends: Mary Fullerton, Mabel Singleton and Miles Franklin'. Then Luka Gracie and Monique Solnordal join the show to talk about their dark comedy show at Melbourne Fringe, titled 'We All Die in the End', about loss, gender, sexuality, and the end of the world. And Liza Walsh, the Victorian Socialist lead candidate for the western metropolitan region, briefly discusses threats to abortion rights in Victoria and conservative politicians advocating for the re-criminalization of abortion. With presenters Sam Elkin, Gemma Cafarella and Hamish McLachlan

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A queer and trans talk show.