Older episodes


Good Cooking Everyday by Julia Ostro and Theory and Practice by Michelle De Krester

Julie Ostro discusses her new cookbook Good Cooking Everyday, and novelist Michelle De Kretser delves into her new book Theory and Practice.


Literati Gliterati November Salon: 'Family Lexicon' by Natalia Ginzburg

The monthly Literati Glitterati Salon returns for its final instalment for 2024 to discuss autobiographical novel Family Lexicon by Natalia Ginzburg about life, language, and family in Italy from the 1920s to the…


Women and Children First by Alina Grabowski & Raging Grace: Australian Writers Speak Out on Disability by Andy Jackson

Alina Grabowski dials in to talk all about her latest book, Women and Children First, set in a fictional town in Massachusetts. It’s a burnt-out coastal town where the residents are confronted…


Rapture by Emily Maguire and Australian Gospel: A Family Saga by Lech Blain

Mel's first guest is Emily Maguire, discussing her recently-released book Rapture. In the second half of the show, Mel explores Australian Gospel: A Family Saga with author Lech Blain.


Divining the history of Tarot with Jessica Friedmann

Special guest host Jess Zanoni fills in for Mel this week.

Jess is joined by Jessica Friedmann author of Twenty-Two Impressions: notes from the Major Arcana to peek behind the curtain of the…


All I Ever Wanted Was To Be Hot by Lucinda Price (aka Froomes)

Mel Fulton speaks with internet darling Lucinda “Froomes” Price about her debut novel All I Ever Wanted Was To Be Hot.

Froomes is known for outrageous comedic bits, celebrity obsessions and as…


'The Temperature' by Katerina Gibson, and 'Cactus Pear For My Beloved' by Samah Sabawi

Mel chats with Katerina Gibson on her new book 'The Temperature', a collection of short stories about climate change in contemporary Australia. Then, Samah Sabawi discusses her novel 'Cactus Pear For My Beloved'…


Digital Surrealisms at Emerging Writers Festival

In collaboration with the Emerging Writers' Festival, Mel chats with three authors, William Huang, Katy Chan, and Elizabeth Bourke, and premieres three unique audio pieces exploring ideas from AI, memory and creativity and…


Literati Glitterati August Salon: 'Enter Ghost' by Isabella Hammad

The monthly Literati Glitterati Salon returns to discuss 'Enter Ghost' by Isabella Hammad, a novel about a Palestinian production of Hamlet.

Mel Fulton speaks to novalist Nevo Zisin, illustrator Sofia Sabbagh, and editor…


Woo Woo by Ella Baxter

Mel speaks to the author of 'Woo Woo', a feminist thriller about making art, online performance, and voyeurism.

About this program

Championing stylish wordsmiths and sterling conversation, Literati Glitterati is a weekly book show that loves a good story, well told. 


Join Mel and a rotating roster of bookish conversationalists as they unpack Literati Glitterati’s book of the month.

Expect a spiriting assortment of cult classics, forgotten wonders, timeless treasures, zesty new releases and pulp fictions wrestled straight from the zeitgeist by Mel herself.

Each book will be announced a month out from the special, so that you can read along at home. On the last Wednesday of every month, tune into Literati Glitterati from midday till 1pm with your thoughts and feelings ready: we’ll be taking questions through the text line.

Literati Glitterati Salon: a monthly book club for folks who like a good story, well told.

Literati Glitterati Salon returns in March 2025.
