There was an error playing ‘Feel The Floor’.

Listen to B cells, P waves and sound rage52:1726 May 2024

How do you amplify an immune response, analyse an earthquake or explain your irrational rage at people’s mouth noise? This week Dr Shane, Dr Susi, Dr Ray and Dr Graci dive in and discuss the latest technology for direct air capture carbon management, printable and eco-friendly sensors that can be ‘imperceptive-ly printed’ for use as continuous health monitors, and misophonia: a new diagnosis of decreased tolerance to specific sounds (yes, 80% are linked to the mouth or nose). Dr Ali Dvorscek (School of Translational Medicine, Monash University) joins the show to speak about B cells: the clever cells that generate antibodies by recognising their target antigens. Plus, Adam Pascale (Chief Scientist at the Seismology Research Centre) explains why nowhere in the world is immune from the pressures of tectonic plates moving. It turns out Australia has loads of earthquakes, they’re just smaller than in some other parts of the world. Phew.

Program page: Einstein-A-Go-Go

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About this program

Exploring the wonders of science and its impact on the world. Dissection and discussion of science and science issues made digestible for public consumption.

Regular presenters:

  • ChrisKP
  • Dr Jen
  • Dr Ray
  • Dr Laura
  • Dr Ailie
  • Dr Linden
  • Dr Lauren
  • Dr Scarlett

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Listen to Dr Shane's 'Chat with a Nobel Laureate' at a University of Melbourne-Comprehensive Cancer PhD Program event.

Dr Shane chats with Psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons from Spectrum House about teacher and school staff mental health as we approach the start of the school year and a return to face-to-face learning.

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
