Dr Shane

Presents Einstein A Go-Go
Exploring the wonders of science and its impact on the world.
How did you first connect with Triple R?
I had listened to the weekend programs for about a year when I was asked to be a guest on Einstein-A-Go-Go during my PhD years. Shortly after, in 1994, a member of the Einstein team left and I was asked to take on the position.....the rest is history.
When I was very early in my research career I was asked to be a guest on Einstein A Go Go. I had heard of the program so that was very exciting and I loved communicating science. I had a great time on air and shortly thereafter one of the Einstein team members left so I was asked back…..I have never left.
What/when was your first show?
My first and only show was Einstein-A-Go-Go. Of course I am always happy to participate in any RRR program that needs a hand.
What's your favourite Triple R story?
After 3 decades of broadcasting you end up with a lot of stories. The ones I like the most are those where the story spans these decades. The first is my two interviews with Damn Prof. Jocelyn Bell Burnell. I first interviewed her in the 1990s. Jocelyn discovered the pulsar, an amazing astronomical object, when she was a PhD student. Her supervisor won the Nobel Prize for the discovery and she was not properly recognised at the time. I again interviewed Jocelyn in 2021 – many years later. Her career had been amazing. We again talked about space based telescopes and she was so hopeful to see the James Webb Space Telescope launched in her lifetime. She cried when we discussed it. It makes me very happy to know that the JWST is now fully operational and Jocelyn would be seeing all the amazing data coming in.
The second most memorable story was when I had the honour of interviewing Captain Gene Cernan – the last human being to walk on the moon. Regular listeners would be aware of how much I love space exploration. Speaking to Gene about his life was an enormous privilege. He passed a few months after that interview – it may well have been the last radio interview he did. For a moment the RRR audience became part of the Apollo history.
Can I have one more? The other thing I love is when I run the 20 PhDs in 20 minutes program. Interviewing 20 people live, one after another is one of the most cognitively challenging things I have done, but the group is always amazing. Giving researchers a safe and positive first experience on radio is one of the most important things our program does.
Your favourite other Triple R program and why?
My favourite program would have to be Radio Marinara. I see Bron most weeks at the station and I just love her unending energy and enthusiasm for the Station and all things marine. A close second for me would be Eat It – Maybe I just love food too much and Cam is an incredible radio talent.
What does Triple R mean to you?
Triple R is my second home. I’m there every Sunday. The people are amazing and there is a feel to the station that you won’t get at commercial stations. This was extremely potent for me during the Covid-19 lockdowns when only a small number of us could be at the station. I’ve known many of the people involved for decades – we are getting older and a little slower, but our enthusiasm for the role RRR plays in the community is getting stronger every year. I cannot imagine my life without the station.
The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one CD in there with you what would you want it to be and why?
First of all I am reverting these days to vinyl – some sort of desperate reconnection back to my youth? I’m a bit of a Credence fan myself so I could handle a ‘best of’ I guess. Or maybe something with all the best movie soundtracks….I love those.