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Listen to Big brain surgery, big health data and big math to model disease52:3824 March 2024

Organic farming is better for the planet, right? This week Dr Shane, Dr Ray and Dr Scarlett (with Dr Gracie beaming in from the USA) learn that the answer is mostly yes, but that it’s more complicated than first thought. Thankfully, calculating the behaviour of three or more celestial bodies is still as complicated as we always knew, and the human brain remains one of the great mysteries (even if half of it is removed).

Guests this week include Dr Jiadong Mao and Dr Saritha Kodikara from Melbourne Integrative Genomics - School of Mathematics and Statistics (University of Melbourne) who share their research on big health data and the importance of open source computing in their field, while PhD student Pratyush Kollepara (La Tobe University) talks about modelling infectious diseases with math and the ethics of determining the most effective solution to disease control.

Program page: Einstein-A-Go-Go
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Twitter: Einstein-A-Go-Go

About this program

Exploring the wonders of science and its impact on the world. Dissection and discussion of science and science issues made digestible for public consumption.

Regular presenters:

  • ChrisKP
  • Dr Jen
  • Dr Ray
  • Dr Laura
  • Dr Ailie
  • Dr Linden
  • Dr Lauren
  • Dr Scarlett

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Listen to Dr Shane's 'Chat with a Nobel Laureate' at a University of Melbourne-Comprehensive Cancer PhD Program event.

Dr Shane chats with Psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons from Spectrum House about teacher and school staff mental health as we approach the start of the school year and a return to face-to-face learning.

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
