Listen to The Importance of Immunology & Exciting Developments for Diabetes Treatment52:1326 April 2023

This week the team are in the studio, with a focus on Immunology (in promotion of the upcoming ‘Day of Immunology’) and an exciting work on an oral treatment for Diabetes.

Dr Shane is joined in the studio this week by EAGG colleague Dr Ailie and Dr Caleb Dawson.

Dr Holly Anderton Senior Postdoctoral Fellow from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, discusses the complexity of the skin microenvironment and skin immunology.

Dr Claire Gordon Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Infectious Diseases Physician at Austin Health, Clinical Lead at North-eastern Public Health Unit and Director of the Australian Donation and Transplantation Biobank, explains the importance and sophisticated nature of the immune system, T Cell research in humans and organ donation for research.

Professor Charlotte Conn a Biophysical Chemist from RMIT University, joins the team to discuss a new oral capsule treatment delivery system which is being developed for Diabetes right here in Australia.

The team finish with some science news, including recent findings regarding a common Fungi which breaks down plastics in 140 days.

About this program

Exploring the wonders of science and its impact on the world. Dissection and discussion of science and science issues made digestible for public consumption.

Regular presenters:

  • ChrisKP
  • Dr Jen
  • Dr Ray
  • Dr Laura
  • Dr Ailie
  • Dr Linden
  • Dr Lauren
  • Dr Scarlett

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Listen to Dr Shane's 'Chat with a Nobel Laureate' at a University of Melbourne-Comprehensive Cancer PhD Program event.

Dr Shane chats with Psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons from Spectrum House about teacher and school staff mental health as we approach the start of the school year and a return to face-to-face learning.

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
