There was an error playing ‘On The Blower’.

Listen to Dark Matter, Green Wellbeing and Stress on the Brain47:2319 March 2023

Dr Natalie Matosin from University of Wollongong discusses the effect on stress on the brain. Dr Jayden Newstead from the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne talks all things dark matter, presenting the solid evidence for its existence. We may have little idea what it is, but dark matter is the most fundamental mystery in particle physics and the subject of intense and diverse worldwide experimental programs. Plus, Dr Amy Loughman, Senior Research Fellow, Food & Mood Centre at the Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation (IMPACT) discusses how exposure to nature contributes to physical and psychological health. In science news, a neurobiological view of anxiety in dogs and the physical and mental benefits of greenspace in the workplace.

With presenters Dr Shane, Dr Lauren and Dr Scarlett.

Program page: Einstein-A-Go-Go

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Twitter: Einstein-A-Go-Go

About this program

Exploring the wonders of science and its impact on the world. Dissection and discussion of science and science issues made digestible for public consumption.

Regular presenters:

  • ChrisKP
  • Dr Jen
  • Dr Ray
  • Dr Laura
  • Dr Ailie
  • Dr Linden
  • Dr Lauren
  • Dr Scarlett

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Listen to Dr Shane's 'Chat with a Nobel Laureate' at a University of Melbourne-Comprehensive Cancer PhD Program event.

Dr Shane chats with Psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons from Spectrum House about teacher and school staff mental health as we approach the start of the school year and a return to face-to-face learning.

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
