Dr Shane is joined in the studio with colleagues Dr Krystal andDr Ray.
Dr Krystal kicks the team off talking Dinosaurs, Extinctiontheories and why did all the birds survive when the dinosaurs diedoff? Could teeth hold the answers?
Dr Ray then talks Sleep, more specifically how people sleep. Have youever noticed why when you go to sleep somewhere for the first time,the sleep isn't so deep? Dr Ray explains the theory of 'First nighteffect'
Showcasing the power of community radio, and the influence ofthe EAGG team, a few years back Dr Shane and fellow EAGGco-host Dr Lauren met with a young Melbourne boy named Kai toassist with a school project on the bionic eye, fast forward to nowand the young boy is representing Australia in another sciencerelated endeavour in Spain.
First guests: Gregory Crocetti & Briony Barr - GraphicNovelists
The team are joined in the studio to discuss their graphic novelcentred around stories about microbes in the battlefield 'TheInvisable War'
Second Guests: Chris McCormack & Cathy Cavallo - WildMelbourne
Chris and Cathy are next in the studio to discuss the WildMelbourne group which provides science for education purposes,specifically sharing their knowledge of our localVictorian environment.
Third Guest: Associate Professor Dr Sofianos Andrikopoulos NHMRCSenior research fellow, Department of Medicine a University ofMelbourne & Austin Hospital.
Dr Andrikopoulos joins the team in the studio to talk all thingsType 2 diabetes, How does it work? What is the difference betweentype 1 and type 2? and what's the latest in diagnosis andtreatment?
Remember, "Science is everywhere", including:
and every Sunday at 11a.m AEST on RRR 102.7mHz FM
About this program
Exploring the wonders of science and its impact on the world. Dissection and discussion of science and science issues made digestible for public consumption.
Regular presenters:
- ChrisKP
- Dr Jen
- Dr Ray
- Dr Laura
- Dr Ailie
- Dr Linden
- Dr Lauren
- Dr Scarlett
Find us on Facebook and Twitter!
Subscribe to the podcast - https://www.rrr.org.au/explore/podcasts/einstein-a-go-go
Listen to Dr Shane's 'Chat with a Nobel Laureate' at a University of Melbourne-Comprehensive Cancer PhD Program event.
Dr Shane chats with Psychologist Emma-Rose Parsons from Spectrum House about teacher and school staff mental health as we approach the start of the school year and a return to face-to-face learning.
The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.