Presented by Amy Mullins
Slow Mushrooming Explained On Uncommon Sense
It wasn’t until the mid-twentieth century that fungi was classified as its own Kingdom, separate from animals or plants. Co-author of Wild Mushrooming: A Guide For Foragers Alison Pouliot says in Australia, and particularly Victoria, we classify things just as flora and fauna still – forgetting the third ‘F’. Alison joins Amy to discuss this forgotten kingdom and her new book written with Tom May.
An underlying philosophy of the book is that understanding ecology and conservation is crucial for foraging. Alison says, "every forager has to essentially be a conservationist, because you want to protect the place and the environments from which you’re taking something from... that really has to be the starting point.”
Alison and Amy discuss the importance of creating language specifically for fungi instead of using classifications appropriated from animals or plants, how Australia has the oldest knowledge of fungi in the world in Indigenous culture that is so rarely recognised and practical tips for aspiring foragers.