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Triple R — Melbourne Independent Radio
From an episode of Indigenuity∙Presented by Krystal De Napoli
Indigenuity: Discovering Australia’s Oldest Known Pottery At Jiigurru
Krystal is joined by Dingaal Clan member and Walmbaar Aboriginal Corporation Chairperson Kenneth McClean to talk about the exciting discovery of archaeological artefacts and pottery dating back over 2000s years on Jiigurru Island in The Great Barrier Reef.
The discovery is significant and challenges previous beliefs that Aboriginal Australian communities were unaware of pottery manufacture before European settlement.
Kenneth explains how Elders and clan members collaborated closely with archaeologists throughout the research process and the importance and value of the discovery for his community.
“This is just the beginning of understanding that our ancestors made this pottery some 2000 years ago and it would be good for more research to be done on country for everyone…”
Photo credit: Sean Ulm