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Triple R — Melbourne Independent Radio
From an episode of Future Perfect∙Presented by Dylan Bird
Future Perfect: What Do Victoria’s New Bail Laws Mean For First Nations Communities?
Victoria is set to have the toughest bail laws in the country, following the state government’s announcement of a suite of measures to crack down on rising crime rates.
To unpack the move, Dylan Bird speaks with Maggie Munn, proud Gunggari person and Director of First Nations Justice at the Human Rights Law Centre, about what kind of changes to expect from the new laws, alternative approaches to address crime and how the reforms could impact First Nations communities.
'It is really frustrating to see this framed as some sort of community safety initiative, the question I would ask is "What communities?" It’s certainly not going to do anything for safety for First Nations communities, it’s just going to increase the likelihood of contact with the criminal legal system.”
Photo credit: Shkuru Afshar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons