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Triple R — Melbourne Independent Radio
Recorded 16 April 2024
Double Bounce: Warren Ellis Interview
Vaughn is joined by very special guest ‘Warren Ellis’: an honorary Bad Seed, and founding member of the Dirty Three.
Warren discusses the reunion of Dirty Three; and in light of their brand new album, reminisces on the way they used to write together and how that may - or may not - have changed. Warren also reveals his fears in composing scores; suggesting it is the allure of “getting out of your comfort zone” which most attracts him to this art form. It puts him in a space of vulnerability, something he regards as being very important in the creative process, as well as learning about the humility, and compromise that is embedded in the ethos of collaboration. Finally Warren briefly discusses his involvement in the Sumatra Wildlife Centre (link below): an organisation dedicated to rehabilitating injured or displaced animals back into the wild.
All this goes on, and more, whilst he tries to poach Vaughn for his next PR campaign.
Sumatra - http://stichting-jaan.nl