Listen to Zero G – 1 April 2024 - Episode #1486: Where There's A Wilheimina There's A Way (Podcast Title: Schooling The Tripod) ∙
We chat with David Innes and Rob Lloyd about the Melbourne International Comedy Festival show MINA VS THE MARTIANS, and more!
Playlist for Zero G – 1 April 2024 - Episode #1486: Where There's A Wilheimina There's A Way (Podcast Title: Schooling The Tripod)
- Mina Harker's Secret (From album The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen OST)Trevor Jones
- Forever Autumn: 1978 Version (From album Forever Autumn: Now, Then & Always)Jeff Wayne and Justin Hayward
- Christopher Walken Sings David Bowie (From album His Generation)Shaun Micaleff
- Life On Mars (From album Butterfly)Barbara Streisand (Cover of David Bowie song)
About this program
Science Fiction, Fantasy and Historical. Movies, television, theatre, events, books, comics, humans, toys, Things, mathoms and oojahs! Rob Jan with Megan McKeough.
Podcasts of Zero-G can be found here: https://www.rrr.org.au/explore/podcasts/zero-g
Email: zerog_robjan@optusnet.com.au
The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.