Zero G

On this week's Zero-G, we get clued up on Sherlock's smarter, stranger sister with Netflix's Enola Holmes, go into zombie apocalypse lockdown with another Netflixer, Cho Il-hyung's South Korean horror movie, #Alive, crack open the superskrull of comic book, Marvel Zombies Resurrection #1, and farewell U.S American/Australian artist Ron Cobb.

Playlist for Zero G – 12 October 2020 - Episode #1310: The Enola Game's Afoot
  • Enola Holmes (Wild Child) - Enola Holmes OSTDaniel Pemberton
  • Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime)David Bowie
  • Two Heads from After Bathing At Baxter'sJefferson Airplane
  • Let's Work Together from The BluesWilliam Shatner And Canned Heat (Featuring Harvey Mandel)
  • Alien Main Title Theme from Alien OSTJerry Goldsmith

About this program

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Historical. Movies, television, theatre, events, books, comics, humans, toys, Things, mathoms and oojahs! Rob Jan with Megan McKeough.

Podcasts of Zero-G can be found here:


The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.