- WhiteoutWarpaint
- Two Worlds CollideKardajala Kirridarra
- Analysis Paralysis Jen Cloher
- Stay Away Charles Bradley and the Menahan Street Band
- Tiger Mountain Peasant Song First Aid Kit
- On & On Eryka Badu
- FranciMartha Wainwright
- Find Your LoveCam Butler
- IsolateSaatsuma
- Black BoyColoured Stone
- My BoysTaken by Trees
- A Hard Rain's A-Gonna FallPatti Smith
- Jenny Leah Senior
- Rise Anna Cordell
- Evil & LustyMike Cohen
- It's Time Twerps
- Fleet Foxes Fool's ErrandFleet Foxes
- For GoodRemi Feat Sampa the Great
- Then You'd hear my wordsLeah Senior LIVE PERFORMANCE
- GamblingMia Dyson
About this program
Putting local issues in a global context, including weekly insights into our cities, democracy, rights, culture, energy and environment. All stitched together with a mixtape of music.
Regular guests and segments include: urban planning and history with Assoc/Prof David Nichols; Cam Walker's eco-update; Guardian Australia reporter Benita Kolovos on Victorian state politics; Jeff Sparrow on politics, society, and everything in between; freedom of information correspondent Petra Stock, and live music.
Program theme: Hugh Masekala's Grazing in the Grass
- Subscribe to The Grapevine podcast
- Check out updates, pics and more on our Facebook page.
The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.