Daniel James

The Mission
Exploring the issues that impact the lives of Aboriginal people and those at the wrong end of social justice in this country.
Share The Spirit Festival Broadcast
Triple R crosses live to the Share the Spirit festival, presented by Songlines Aboriginal Music, at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
How and when did you first connect with Triple R?
I was invited on to The Rap to talk to Areej about an article I had written for IndigenousX. Dylan then offered some radio training which I was thrilled to do.
What does Triple R mean to you?
In a time when media diversity is becoming more and more diluted, community radio is more important and more relevant than ever. Triple R has one of the most vibrant, eclectic and important voices on the radio.
What's your favourite Triple R story?
Being alarmed at receiving a phone call at 4:20 am during my first GraveyardShift. I was wondering whether it would be abuse, a bomb threat or my mum. It was just a punter calling up to tell me that he dug the show. Triple R is like that. It has a warm and generous community.
Describe your happy place.
Sitting on my balcony and listening to some new or old vinyl I’ve just picked up from one Melbourne’s thriving vinyl record shop scene.
The studio door has accidentally jammed shut with you stuck inside. If there was only one album in there with you, what would you want it to be, and why?
It would probably have to be Time Out of Mind by Bob Dylan. I came across it when I had moved down from the country to study university. I always appreciated Dylan but was never really a fan, couldn’t find a way in. Time Out of Mind opened the door for me into the world of Dylan and I’ve been there ever since.