Listen to Stephanie Wescott & Steven Roberts on the detrimental manosphere and live coder, Nū41:4715 May 2024

This week, Samira is back to keep the important conversations coming.

Starting off with Monash University scholars, Stephanie Wescott and Steven Roberts, who recently published their research into how the manosphere and men’s rights content creators are influencing boys behaviour and attitudes towards women in Australian schools. They say the response needs to be urgent, especially after the disturbing spreadsheet that saw boys expelled from their private school in Melbourne… read more here:

Plus, artist (aka Fetle Wondimu) tells Samira all about her new music, upcoming gigs and explains how live coding works… Nū says we shouldn’t be afraid. You can catch some live coding at the upcoming Next Wave 40th (re)birthday party on May 25! There will be cake!

About this program

A weekly in-depth exploration of arts, culture and media, featuring deep-dive interviews alongside an eclectic mix of music.
