Listen to The Free Palestine Melbourne Movement, Noisy Bird-Neighbours, and Indonesian History Sister Shows01:13:2811 December 2023

Host Kirby Fary fills in for Dylan and chats to Michael Shaik, a member of Free Palestine Melbourne, about his decades-long activism and how supporters can avoid burnout.

La Trobe University PhD candidate Jacinta Humphrey flies in to talk about her latest research into noisy miners, and how the bird is bullying vulnerable species in urban areas.

Plus, artists Ria Soemardjo and Victoria Wanata chat about their sister theatre projects, ‘Surat-Suratnya’ and ‘May 1989’; both about Indonesia’s Suharto era and the lives that were impacted under the dictator.

About this program

Putting local issues in a global context, including weekly insights into our cities, democracy, rights, culture, energy and environment. All stitched together with a mixtape of music.

Regular guests and segments include: urban planning and history with Assoc/Prof David Nichols; Cam Walker's eco-update; Guardian Australia reporter Benita Kolovos on Victorian state politics; Jeff Sparrow on politics, society, and everything in between; freedom of information correspondent Petra Stock, and live music.

Program theme: Hugh Masekala's Grazing in the Grass

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
