Listen to Why is sport such a quintessential element of Australian culture?47:2612 July 2021

On this episode of The Grapevine, Kulja and Dylan get on the line with AFL diversity consultant Rana Hussain, to talk about the significance of sport in Australia, and how it transcends the game into all areas of culture. Hussain and other experts will be discussing this and more at the long awaited Broadly Speaking event ‘Ahead of the Game, Sport, Storytelling and Symbolism at the Wheeler Centre’.

Then, Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth calls in to discuss the Federal Court's decision regarding the climate litigation brought forth against the Commonwealth by a group of students. Walker discusses the leadership change of the Nationals Party and what it means for the LaTrobe Valley and the politics that will determine what happens moving forward.

And Professor Anne Bardoel from Swinburne University calls in to discuss the retirement of the five-day work week as countries overseas trail a four-day week, the shift towards working from home, and hybrid work arrangements.

About this program

Putting local issues in a global context, including weekly insights into our cities, democracy, rights, culture, energy and environment. All stitched together with a mixtape of music.

Regular guests and segments include: urban planning and history with Assoc/Prof David Nichols; Cam Walker's eco-update; Guardian Australia reporter Benita Kolovos on Victorian state politics; Jeff Sparrow on politics, society, and everything in between; freedom of information correspondent Petra Stock, and live music.

Program theme: Hugh Masekala's Grazing in the Grass

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
