Listen to The Grapevine54:2018 November 2019

This week Kulja and Dylan speak with Anthony Kelly, Executive Officer at Flemington and Kensington Community Legal Centre - which runs the Police Accountability Project - about police misconduct, complaints procedures and the police’s accountability to the public.

And Economist Ross Garnaut phones in to The Grapevine to discuss his new book Super-Power: Australia’s low-carbon opportunity, Australian climate and energy policy discussion and the opportunities that a transition to renewables will bring for the Australian Economy.

Finally, The Big Issue Editor Amy Hetherington steps into the studio to celebrate the magazines monumental 600th edition and look back at the evolution of The Big Issue over the last 23 and a half years.

About this program

Putting local issues in a global context, including weekly insights into our cities, democracy, rights, culture, energy and environment. All stitched together with a mixtape of music.

Regular guests and segments include: urban planning and history with Assoc/Prof David Nichols; Cam Walker's eco-update; Guardian Australia reporter Benita Kolovos on Victorian state politics; Jeff Sparrow on politics, society, and everything in between; freedom of information correspondent Petra Stock, and live music.

Program theme: Hugh Masekala's Grazing in the Grass

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
