Listen to Piinpi: Contemporary Indigenous Fashion, Lucy Guerin Inc and run away to the NICA Circus01:21:5013 June 2024

Back to fill the enormous SmartArts shoes of Richard Watts OAM is resident funny guy, Oliver Coleman.

Kicking off the show is Tai Smith with the latest visual arts reccs - think cutesy wholesome for the Under Five Windows exhibition at A Reading Room, collaging fun at the Ripped - a Punk Collage Workshop, and writing extravaganzas at Alta Forma.

Multidisciplinary artist, Lisa Waup, tells us about her experience creating fashion for the Piinpi: Contemporary Indigenous Fashion exhibition which is now showing at Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre. On until November 17, go and see the inspired and revolutionary wearable art made by First Nations artists right around the country.

Lucy Guerin, dancer and choreographer, shares her experience creating her latest performance for RISING 2024, One Single Action. In this piece, “two dancers traverse a narrow path, in and out of sync, in conflict and in harmony”. The opening show is June 13 and there are 4 performances happening over that weekend - get in quick, tickets are selling fast.

Then, Carita Farrer Spencer, director at the National Circus Centre (NICA) joins Oliver to give all the goss on the NICA third year students ensemble show, Famous. This narrative circus performance is running from June 14-22 at the NICA Centre in Prahan! Find tickets here.

Plus, theatre’s darling, Anne-Marie Peard, serves up a multitude of fun, funky, experimental, fascinating and interactive shows happening all around you right now.

About this program

Visual art, theatre, film and literature. Segments include:

  • 'Art Attack' - fortnightly visual arts reviews with Ace Wagstaff and Tai Snaith.
  • 'Shoot the Messenger' - fortnightly theatre news & reviews with Fleur Kilpatrick.
  • 'Drawn Out' - monthly chat about comic books and graphic novels with Bernard Caleo.

Please email for all interview requests.


Richard Watts has many years experience working in the arts industry, including five years as the Artistic Director of the youth arts organisation Express Media, seven years on the Board of Melbourne Fringe (including three years as Chair), and six years on the Committee of Management at La Mama Theatre, where he currently serves as Chair. Richard has helped program a range of festivals including Next Wave, the National Young Writers' Festival, the Melbourne Queer Film Festival and the Emerging Writers' Festival (which he founded) and he has written for various broadsheets, journals, zines and magazines. Currently he pays the rent by working as the Performing Arts Editor at In his spare time he watches old Doctor Who episodes.

The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.
