This week your hosts Dr Nick, Dr Sonia and Prudence Dear begin this thought-provoking episode chatting to Jill Stark, journalist, author, pocaster and mental health advocate. She delves into her journey with mental health, and her inspiring and authentic take on life as a single, child-free woman. Journalist, advocate and author of new book "Hard to Bear: Investiagting the science and silence of miscarriage," Isabelle Oderberg joins the team to discuss her new book, exploring her stimulating perspectives on the issues and barriers surrounding miscarriage.
About this program
The longest running community radio show in the universe dedicated to health, medicine and well-being, curing Saturday night hangovers every Sunday morning since 1996! A team of medicos, nurses, psychologists and special guests from around Australia and around the globe shed light on everything from Asthma to Zika Virus, your headaches and your heartaches, your sneezing and your snoozing, your meditation and your medication – it's your prescription with your Triple R subscription!
The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.