The team of Deepthought, Epi Pen, Dr Perry Parton and Malpractice talk about lots of stuff this week! Dr Parton gives us info about new research about young peoples mental health and the team also explore what exactly make babies laugh. Dr Jayesh Desai from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institutecomes in to talk about personalised medicine. Epi Pen gives us an Pilates explainer. The team also explore a less examined aspect of the Adam Goodes affair: the psychology of the mob.
If you or someone you know needs help in regards to mental health issues, depression or suicide prevention please contact Lifeline - 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467.
Radiothon is upon us, so the podcast will take a break for a couple of weeks. Please do support RRR by visiting pledging your support, or listening to the station between the 14 - 23 August and calling +61 3 9388 1027. Radiotherapys special Radiothon programs are on the 16th and 22nd August from 10am. Paint the town Triple R!
About this program
The longest running community radio show in the universe dedicated to health, medicine and well-being, curing Saturday night hangovers every Sunday morning since 1996! A team of medicos, nurses, psychologists and special guests from around Australia and around the globe shed light on everything from Asthma to Zika Virus, your headaches and your heartaches, your sneezing and your snoozing, your meditation and your medication – it's your prescription with your Triple R subscription!
The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.