Listen to Elfie Shiosaki on her poetry collection Refugia and Lorraine Brigdale on teaching traditional weaving techniques at her upcoming workshop.39:0921 July 2024

The first part of today’s show is a conversation with Noongar and Yawuru writer and Associate Professor at the College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University, Elfie Shiosaki, whose new collection of poems, Refugia, is an exploration of archival records of Noongar Country and new images of Sky Country from NASA's JWST telescope.

The second interview is with proud Yorta Yorta woman and award winning multimedia artist Lorraine Brigdale, who along with Yasmin Silveira will host a weaving workshop, teaching traditional techniques in a relaxed and welcoming space on Sunday 28 July 1-4pm at The Queen Victoria Women’s Centre on Lonsdale Street in Melbourne.

With presenter Krystal De Napoli.

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A weekly conversation with Indigenous knowledge holders, showcasing all forms of Indigenous ingenuity.