Our hosts Dan Morganti, Lily Ryan and Adam Christou interview Darcy Smith from Studio Folly, creator of Gubbins - a friendly puzzle game described as Solitaire meets Scrabble with a psychedelic visual component.
There's also game reviews including for indie adventure game Frog Detective 3 - You're a detective, and a frog, and it's time to solve a mystery in the wild west.
Plus all the tech and video games news from around the world.
About this program
Computer news, reviews and clues. Tech talk and opinionated chat with feature interviews and regular guests covering games, Linux and Open Source, legal, new and social media, gadgets, Apple and more.
- Dan Salmon
- Daniel Morganti
- Rowena Murray
- Paul Callaghan
- Lilly Ryan
- Mike Bantick
- Vanessa Toholka (Byte producer)
- Lu Lin (RRR Talks Content Producer)
The podcast intro and outro theme is Soft Illusion and was generously provided by Andras.