Thank you, Kulja!

Kulja Coulston
A big announcement on-air today – after more than 14 years as co-host of The Grapevine, Kulja Coulston has decided to step away from the show as she takes on a new work opportunity. Congratulations Kulja! We'll be missing you on Monday mornings.
Kujla began her involvement with Triple R back in 1995, as an RMIT journalism student reading the news. From there, she kept Ben O'Connor (of Chapter Music and former host of Untune The Sky) company on graveyard shifts. She popped up again as a regular guest on sustainability issues for The Word with Tracee Hutchison for several years in the early 2000s, before starting The Grapevine with original co-host Donna Morabito in 2009. In 2015, Donna left the program and Kulja was joined by new co-host Dylan Bird.
The Grapevine has consistently delivered well informed and thoroughly researched interviews and information on politics, climate, culture and more – none of which would have been possible without Kulja!
In addition to Kulja's wonderful presence on-air, she's also been a super active part of Triple R off-air. From running around on the footy field with the mighty Megahertz, to joining the Program Advisory Group (PAG) for several years, she's been an immeasurable asset to the station.
Be sure to tune in next Monday 18 September from 9am-midday for Kulja's final broadcast as co-host of The Grapevine with Dylan Bird. After that, Dylan will host the show solo.
Thank you so much to Kulja for an incredible contribution to Triple R and the broader community. Hopefully we'll be hearing from Kulja on the airwaves again soon!