Programming Updates!

15 July 2024
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Photo by Naomi Lee Beveridge

Yesterday, the wonderful Jazz Feldy announced to listeners that she has decided to wrap up her excellent program Good Fortune. Jazz first started volunteering on the phones at Triple R during the 2013 Radiothon, before completing the broadcaster training course in 2015. She progressed quickly from the graveyard roster to fills, then commenced her own weekly slot with Good Fortune in January of 2019. 

Thanks so much for such a long and strong contribution to the station, Jazz! We have been so lucky to have Good Fortune on the airwaves every Sunday afternoon, celebrating women and gender diverse musicians. But we're wishing you all the best on the next stage of life you're embarking on – starting a family!

Jazz's final broadcast will go to air on Sunday 28 July, with an exciting celebration in the works as well – stay tuned for more details.

Whilst it's always sad to say goodbye to a broadcaster, it also means new opportunities are created for others. And we're thrilled to announce that the effervescent Noongar sister duo Bumpy & Emmy will be moving their ripper program Pebbles from Thursday midnights to Sunday afternoons, 4-6pm, as of Sunday 4 August!

Finally, jumping into the Thursday midnight slot vacated by Pebbles will be Phoebe Crehan, who will bring the sweet cosmic grooves of her program The Planetarium over from the Monday 4-6am slot.

Programming updates 15 July

Congratulations Bumpy & Emmy and Phoebe! And thanks again, Jazz!