Monique Sebire Returns to Breakfasters!

Image credit: Naomi Lee Beveridge
Exciting news everybody! Next Monday 7 August, Monique Sebire returns to the Triple R airwaves, joining the fabulous Daniel Burt and Nat Harris on Breakfasters!

Image credit: Naomi Lee Beveridge
While Mon’s been on parental leave, the brilliant Simon Winkler has been filling in for Mon. It’s been so much fun hearing Simon on the airwaves every morning – thanks a million, Simon!

Image credit: Naomi Lee Beveridge
Simon’s last brekky broadcast will be this Friday 4 August. Luckily for us, Simon will be headed right back to Thursday drive, reuniting with Lauren Taylor on Breaking and Entering. You can catch his first show back with Lauren on Thursday 17 August 4-7pm.
Thanks again, Simon and welcome back, Mon! We look forward to tuning in on Monday 7 August from 6am for your first Breakfasters show with Daniel and Nat!
Rise and shine everybody!