Announcing… Breakfasters Live Compilation Volume 1!
You know those amazing live performances you hear every Friday morning on Breakfasters? Well, guess what: we’ve turned them into an online album you can stream and/or download!
Artwork by Erin Stevens
Yep, it’s one big – and by “big”, we really mean HUGE – compilation of tunes from Brekkie in 2018 and 2019, including performances from (take a big breath now): REMI and Sensible J, Gordon Koang, Jen Cloher, RVG, DRMNGnow, Cash Savage and the Last Drinks, The Native Cats, HTRK, SaD, Paul Kelly, Tiddas, Cool Sounds, Pinch Points, Hearts and Rockets, Cumbia Cosmonauts, Karate Boogaloo, Elizabeth, 30/70, Huntly, Lachlan Denton and Emma Russack, Amyl and the Sniffers, Loose Tooth, Gena Rose Bruce, Peak Twins, Mojo Juju, Donny Benet, Sunset Cities (SO.Crates, Nelson Dialect and Alnitak Kid), Jess Ribiero, No Sister, Ausmuteants, Shrimpwitch, Laura Imbruglia, Martin Frawley, Kylie Auldist, Constant Mongrel, The Snakes, June Jones, Sarah Mary Chadwick, SPOD, Daniel Elia, Sweet Whirl, Thibault, Ninety-Nine, Pony Face and Emma Russack!
The compilation – known officially as Breakfasters Live: Volume 1 – is not only an overview of the amazing talent that comes through the studio every week here at Triple R, but also a bit of an insight into the incredibly rich landscape of music-makers here in Melbourne and those who come through our city. Big-ups to everyone who got up at the crack of dawn to throw down these tracks in the studio! And cheers to Triple R volunteer illustrator Erin Stevens who whipped up this cover art, too.
If you want to get the album, simply head over to Bandcamp, where you can stream and download it for free. You can also pay what you want, if you’d care to make a donation. All money raised goes to First Nations Fire Relief Fund and Animals Australia, charities helping out in the wake of the bushfires.
Oh, and be sure to share Breakfasters Live: Volume 1 with your mates! Because who would want to keep all this greatness to themselves? Enjoy, everyone.