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RRR Presents

Live at RRR: Grace Cummings

RRR Presents


7:00 pm-8:00 pmFriday, 12 April 2024


Triple R Performance Space

221 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick, Victoria 3056

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Live at RRR: Grace Cummings

April Amnesty has arrived! Our month-long fundraising drive is also a chance to celebrate all things Triple R – so we've rounded up a few of our favourite artists to join us in the Triple R Performance Space, and help keep the independent media goodness alive.

Join us this Friday 12 April at 7pm for a captivating live set from Grace Cummings, performing songs from her new album Ramona. Hosted by Clara Slewa of Velvet Haze.

Fusing folk, blues, and orchestral rock arrangements, Ramona shows Cummings' profound vocal strength. Her lyrics reflect on grief, self-destruction, and emotional violence.

Giveaways are now closed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you require extra access needs, please don't hesitate to contact the station at before the event.

For those unable to attend, you can still tune in to the performance via FM, digital, online or with the Triple R app.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body.

Venue details

Live at RRR: Grace Cummings