There was an error playing ‘On The Blower’.

Live at RRR: Dallas Woods


7:00 pm-8:00 pmFriday, 16 September 2022


Triple R Performance Space

221 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick, Victoria 3056

More details ↓

This Friday 16 September, hip-hop artist and Noongar man Dallas Woods joins us in the Triple R Performance Space to perform live from 7pm!

Dallas Woods will be performing tracks from his debut album Julie's Boy, titled in honour of his Mother, and the culmination of years spent honing his craft.

Hosted by The Distant Sky's Kate Kingsmill.

Subscribers, can head to Subscriber Giveaways chance to attend and be part of the audience.

You can also listen to the performance live via FM, digital, online and via the Triple R app.

Venue details

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    Triple R Performance Space

    221 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick, Victoria 3056

  • Phone 03 9388 1027