130, Wroclaw, Fivefours (arvo) Fairtrade Narcotics, Forrer, Jordan (evening) UPSTAIRS Senegambian Jazz Band, Akoma Beat, Adriana BANDROOM


3:30 pmSunday, 14 October 2018


The Gasometer Hotel

484 Smith St, Collingwood

More details ↓

Having existed in various forms for almost 4 years, during which time 130 released over 6 hours of original material on soundcloud, and 36 bandcamp releases (9 of which are currently available for free download), covering almost all known musical genres from ambient and experimental to heavy-metal, trap, RnB and bubblegum pop, while pioneering the creation of new sonic textures and trends, 130 presents a live interpretation of its most memorable anthems.

This Residency will take you on a journey of the musical styles that have informed the Senegambian Jazz Band sound. Join us for 3 consecutive Sunday evenings at the Gasometer Hotel to explore West African, Jazz and Funk sounds.

On the 14th of October we’ll fly you to West Africa with Akoma Beat, they will take us from traditional drum rhythms to the infectious highlife style of Ghana.

Venue details